Hello, it seems weird to write an article to give you reasons to take a vacation . But I promise you that I know some people who don’t necessarily feel the need to take it. There are even people who do not feel the need to take a break and lock themselves into work.
Whether it’s summer vacation, winter vacation, Easter vacation, Christmas vacation or fall vacation, it’s important to disconnect from work. That’s why I give you five reasons to take a vacation below .
1 – It’s good for your health
Different studies, in different countries, have all proven that taking vacations is beneficial for physical and mental health .
First, according to a study by the European Society of Cardiology , taking a vacation would extend your life expectancy.
Reduces stress and anxiety
Vacations have been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on stress and anxiety levels . You forget, for a moment, work, your little daily worries and the stress of public transport.
Close your eyes, imagine yourself on a fine sandy beach, lying on a deckchair with the sun gently falling into the water on the horizon, with a refreshing cocktail in your hand. After that, your stress and anxiety gauge must be at a minimum, right?
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
According to a Norwegian study, done on more than 1000 men, followed for 5 years, presenting risk factors for their heart health (overweight, hypertension, smoking, cholesterol, etc.).
It has been shown that all people who took less than 21 days of vacation per year had a 37% increased risk of having cardiovascular disease, compared to those who took more than three weeks.
Good for the brain and vitamin D
Taking vacations is good for our brains. Our brain needs to rest , indeed abandoning its daily routines and work, allows it to be, too, on vacation. In addition, making him discover new places and activities allows him to “regenerate”.
There is also the aspect of vitamin D, which we all need. Hey! Guess how our body absorbs it. This is mainly thanks to the sun. Of course, you also find it, in oily fish, organ meats and egg yolk.
Mental health
Going on vacation improves your mental health . If you take these vacations regularly, some studies have found that the risk of depression is much reduced.
Traveling allows you to see things differently and this allows you to have the ability to be positive about all that you already have in life.
2 – Rest
Take a vacation to rest. I think it’s very important to be able to completely disconnect from your work. Trying to spend a day doing nothing, just wandering around and not thinking about anything. Have you ever tried ?
There are two different schools of how to rest. I present to you both, hoping to remain as objective as possible, without revealing my preferences. On the one hand, there are people who say that it is absolutely necessary to leave far from home , and others that it is possible to stay at home . It’s a bit like reviews on: iPhone or Android / Playstation or Xbox / Starter or Dessert.
Stay at home
Being at home with your family and not having a schedule is already a rest for some people. There are people for whom, just releasing the pressure of work, no more, even their colleagues and deciding for themselves what they are going to do with their days, gives them enough rest. For these people, having a good family meal to discuss everything and nothing, practicing a hobby that they did not have time to do alongside work or taking care of their house and/or garden, allows them to rest .
Go away from home
Some people will say that staying at home does not rest them. Because there is always DIY, cleaning or shopping to do. For this category, the only way to rest is a distant vacation . This allows you to completely change your air and state of mind by going to another country. Some also think that being away from home allows time for more self-care. In addition, if you opt for an “All Inclusive” solution, no more budget worries.
If you choose to travel, why not discover Switzerland? You can discover the 26 cantons thanks to my challenge .
3 – Change from metro-work-sleep
Taking a vacation , among other things, allows you to leave your daily routine behind . It comes down to finding a sense of freedom. Indeed, you choose the time of your alarm clock. You are free to do what you like during your lunch break.